
Zoom Teeth Whitening

Over time, your teeth can become discolored or yellowed. Although this process is natural, it may be an incredibly embarrassing condition for many people. If you’re worried about having stained or yellowed teeth, our Teeth Whitening services can help your improve the color of your teeth..

Psychological studies have shown that people generally consider whiter teeth to be healthier-looking, and that patients who have undergone teeth whitening procedures are more consistent in their oral care. Furthermore, whiter teeth and a brighter smile will do wonders for your self-esteem and self-confidence. Teeth whitening can quickly provide beautiful, dramatic results, without the hassle of invasive surgical procedures.

The Procedure

Zoom is a bleaching process widely used throughout the country and around the world to lighten discoloration of enamel and dentin. Tooth discoloration may result from drinking coffee, tea, cola and red wine; or from smoking. The aging process also can stain and darken your teeth. The Zoom tooth whitening procedure uses Hydrogen Peroxide, safely used for many years in the treatment of gums & teeth. As the hydrogen peroxide is broken down, oxygen enters the enamel and dentin to bleach the stained substances, leaving the structure of the tooth unchanged.

Regular teeth cleaning is recommended prior to the actual Zoom teeth whitening session. The procedure begins with a short preparation to cover the lips and gums, leaving the teeth exposed. The dentist or dental assistant then applies the Zoom hydrogen peroxide whitening gel, which works together with the Zoom light to penetrate the teeth and break up the stains and discoloration. The gel remains in place while the light is activated. During this time, you can relax, watch TV or listen to music.