
Root Canal Therapy

Your teeth are made up of dental pulp, which is a sensitive, delicate network of cells, blood, nerves and tissue. When your teeth become fractured and broken, the health of your dental pulp may be compromised as it becomes exposed to bacterial invasion. Because the pulp is notoriously sensitive, such exposure may be painful to endure. Endodontics is dedicated to the study and treatment of the dental pulp of your teeth. Endodontic therapy, root canal, is a surgical procedure where your dentist clears the infected dental pulp from within a tooth and disinfects the cavity that has been left behind. Your dentist will then fill the cavity with restorative dental materials. It is the most effective procedure that dentists will use to treat endodontic problems.

The Procedure

Generally, Root canal therapy is not an overly complex procedure and can be performed in as little as one to two dental visits. First, our dentist will administer a local anesthetic to freeze or numb the area. To keep the area dry and free of saliva during treatment, our dentist will place a rubber dam (a sheet of rubber) around the tooth. Our dentist will then remove the tooth’s damaged pulp by cleaning and enlarging its root canal system.

Once it is cleaned, our dentist will fill and seal it with either a temporary or a permanent filling. The final step may involve further restoration of the tooth. You may need a crown, crown and post, or other restoration to protect it, prevent it from breaking and restore it to full function. Our dentist will discuss the need for any additional dental work with you.