
Dental Implants

We specialize in dental implants. Dental implants are essentially tiny titanium posts that your dentist will install into the jawbone beneath your gums. They act as artificial tooth roots that are used to stabilize and support tooth-replacement structures such as dental bridges, dentures and individual artificial teeth. They are small, durable and lightweight, and are consequently painless and comfortable. Ideal candidates for dental implants are patients who still have sufficient amount of intact bone beneath gums that are free of periodontal disease.

The dental implant application procedure involves as few as two or three visits to the dentist’s office. Prior to receiving the dental implant, each patient is carefully examined and evaluated in order for the dentist to provide the most optimal implant solution. Tiny posts are then carefully installed into the bone socket left behind by a missing tooth. The healing process that occurs after will take several weeks, during which the implant will successfully bond into the jawbone.